Season One: Did you say that the enemy meets on a single wooden bridge? They are opposite in appearance and personality. So-yong and Jae-hyun, who have been close friends since high school, meet again on the day of the university entrance ceremony. The inexperienced two face the challenge of duplicating positions.
Season Two: My name is Kim Pyeong-beom, a secondary man. I'm just the role of So-yong's friend in the BL world, I was the author's delicate touch as a supporting character.
How could I have my own love line with one of the leading top's (Minwoo/White hair)?! What's the fate of the ordinary man who walks in between a sly top and the obsessed top?
¿Dije que el enemigo se encuentra en un solo puente de madera? Son opuestos en apariencia y personalidad, por lo que Soo-yong y Jae-hyun, que han sido amigos cercanos desde la escuela secundaria, se reencuentran el día de la ceremonia de ingreso a la universidad. Después de discutir sin motivo, So-yong es hospitalizado, y la tarifa de hospitalización comienza a enredarse con Jae-hyun.Los dos, que no tienen experiencia masculina, se encuentran con la dificultad de duplicar posiciones.