During the reincarnation of the Japanese company slave, Tadashi, he was impressed by God by choosing the agricultural blessing that no one had ever chosen, and received unprecedented generous blessing. And he has a dream slow life in a different world-it should have landed all-you-can-eat, a huge peninsula called Miasma Limbo! Tadashi struggled, but with his serious personality and blessing from God, he will increase the scale of agriculture with Gungun. Former queens of persecuted elves, heroes of beastmen, and master craftsmen of dwarves gathered in search of supplies made by Tadashi. Agriculture, founding of the country, slow life! A heartwarming different world agricultural fantasy, comicalize!
日本の社畜・タダシは転生の最中、これまで誰も選ばなかった農業の加護を選んだことで神に感激され、前代未聞の手厚い加護を受ける。そして異世界で夢のスローライフを営む――はずが、降り立ったのは荒れ放題、瘴気ただよう辺獄《へんごく》と呼ばれる巨大な半島! タダシは苦戦しながらも、持ち前の真面目な性格と神からの加護でグングンと農業の規模を大きくしていく。タダシの作る物資を求め、迫害されたエルフの元女王、獣人の女勇者、ドワーフの名工も集まってきて――。農業・建国・スローライフ!ほのぼの異世界農業ファンタジー、コミカライズ