Kahil Ruave, an unlucky duke who has no one by his side, charms all people of different ages with his demonic magic, and Lena is a maid who is unaffected by those charms. If the demonic charm from him was a scent, the room would've been flooded with a dizzying strong scent. However, Lena's eyes held no other emotion other than worry and fear. Kahil decided to use another route. His appearance was also seductive, and even though he suppressed his demonic charm, people still fell for him. Remembering that, Kahil smirked at Lena. This special treatment wasn't freely given to anyone, but... "S-save me, please..." Lena, who was barely holding her tears back, pleaded for her life over and over. It was at that moment when his expression that would 'make even the gods swoon' faded. "You're not normal. You’re suspicious."
남녀노소를 홀리는 마성 때문에 시종 하나 곁에 둘 수 없는 비운의 공작 카헬 루아브,
마성이 통하지 않는 희귀 체질 하녀 레나를 만나다.
Герцог Кахэль Руав - молодой человек с печальной судьбой. Ему не суждено обзавестись хотя бы одним слугой из-за своей демонической силы, которая очаровывает людей независимо от пола и возраста. Но молодой господин встречает девушку по имени Рена, на которую не действует его проклятие.