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Obata is an uncanny and incredible house repairman. This is a story of him repairing houses while solving the paranormal events that occurred in those buildings.

Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya

Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya

Contains 12 chapters: 9 short stories, and 3 Miss China stories.
1. The Universe is so Vast and Wonderful!
2. Leaving One Night by the Light of the Full Moon
3. To Invoke the Stars
4. Little Melancholy
5. The Young Scientists' Club
6. See You Later, God Willing
7. Marsy in the Land of Time
8. Natsuko
9. The Young Scientist Club on Mars
10. The Melancholy of China
11. China's Wish
12. China Strikes Back
The Japanese edition collects all 12 chapters in one volume. The Spanish edition from Glénat released the full series in 3 volumes. The English edition from Dark Horse published only the Miss China chapters, first in comic format, then in one trade paperback.
Contiene 12 capítulos: 9 historias cortas, y 3 historias de Miss China.
1. ¡El Universo es tan vasto y maravilloso!
2. Dejando una noche a la luz de la luna llena
3. Invocar las estrellas
4. Pequeña Melancolía
5. El Club de Jóvenes Científicos
6. Hasta luego, si Dios quiere
7. Marsy en la Tierra del Tiempo
8. Natsuko
9. El Club de Jóvenes Científicos de Marte
10. La melancolía de China
11. El deseo de China
12. China contraataca
La edición japonesa reúne los 12 capítulos en un volumen. La edición española de Glénat publicó la serie completa en 3 volúmenes. La edición inglesa de Dark Horse publicó sólo los capítulos de Miss China, primero en formato de cómic y luego en un libro de bolsillo.

Broken things are all around us. Instead of throwing them away or replacing them, Shuri and Naoto, living under the same roof, repair them. If you understand how things work, you can fix them!
身の回りにあふれる"壊れたもの"。捨てるでも買い替えるでもなく、それらを修理しながらひとつ屋根の下に暮らす朱里とナオトだが――!? 仕組みがわかれば直してあげられる、モノを大事にしたくなるリペア生活!
Coisas quebradas estão aos montes à nossa volta. No lugar de jogá-las fora ou substituí-las, Shuri e Naoto, vivendo sob um mesmo teto, as reparam.
Se você entende como as coisas funcionam, você pode consertá-las!

Ichiko and Kuran are members of the subculture research club. They like various subcultures and they like cute stuff. Read along as these two asocial gyaru spend their days in their new kind of "youthful moratorium."

Lin Wanrong was a normal student until he awoke in another world following a school accident
He struggles to adapt in this strange world, but he has a hidden talent that will help him thrive
Follow Lin Wanrong as he charms his way to becoming the best servant the world has ever seen

En una academia de otro mundo para personas "ordinarias", llamada "Hololive Academy" podremos apreciar una historia del pasado, antes de la creación del grupo Shiraken, el cual es conformado por chicas adolescentes con personalidades únicas como lo son Noel, Flare, Polka, Miko y Suisei. Con el afán de representar sus días de juventud previos a la creación de su grupo en Hololive.

Nagisa once lived in a small fishing village; but, after a long-ago tragedy, he moved as far away from it as he could. After collapsing from overworking himself in the city, however, he comes back to the village, to the memories and people he escaped from, and to Kaito, the only one he never wanted to meet again…

Tang Zhong is a prisoner who was suddenly given a mission to replace his sister in a girl group
Though he looks like his twin, Tang Xin, the other members of the girl group are doubtful
With no skills as an idol, will Tang Zhong pull it off as Tang Xin and fulfill her dreams?

Short 2-page twitter oneshot.

Qiuluo is bullied for being different, but her brother never fails to come to her defense
When she loses her brother in an attack, she takes his place and vows to fulfill his ultimate dream
Pretending to be her brother, Qiuluo needs to keep appearances to survive the Yang Ming Academy

"Będę trzymać jego ręce, by obudzić go z wiecznego snu"
Sodinor, ekspert do spraw snów, ma umiejętność spełnienia marzeń nawet w świecie snów.
Na rozkaz cesarza została wprowadzona do snu księcia Marmella, który nie mógł się obudzić.
Jednak w snach księcia, który znany jest ze swojej dobroci i łagodności, jest coś bardzo dziwnego.
Jego kraina marzeń jest opuszona i bezbarwna.
Sonidor infiltrując sny Marmella pod postacią uroczego zwierzątka udaje się znaleźć powód jego długiego letargu...
Czy Marmell obudzi się w końcu z wiecznego snu?

Ahn es un niño que vive una vida frugal en un pequeño pueblo lejos de la capital. Un día, el hijo de un erudito, llamado Suu, y su guardián, llamado Tan, se mudaron de la capital a la gran mansión en lo alto de la colina. Ahn se encontró en la mansión debido a su trabajo habitual de entrega y conoció a Suu. La pareja se llevaba espléndidamente y Ahn frecuentaba la mansión desde entonces...
"Me... me gusta todo de ti, Ahn".
Suu se sintió cada vez más atraída por el brillante y amable Ahn, pero detrás de la sonrisa de Ahn yacía una tristeza oculta enterrada en lo profundo de sus recuerdos...

Todoroki Shouto x Bakugou Katsuki

After having lost his son many years ago, an elderly carpenter seeks to reunite with him by reviving him as a wooden puppet. While they live happily together in a peaceful village, their newfound lives would all be disrupted when news of a serial killer erupts. What challenges will they face now?

Hong Tianze has feelings for his childhood friend Duo Yuqing, but he was rejected by her
But his love was not shaken and is determined to capture her heart, even through an apocalypse
When an alien attack threatens to destroy the world, will Tianze successfully make Yuqing his?

Hangil, a high school student who hides his strength and endures bullying from the Iljins because he is poor, sees people using goblin bats on his way home from a part-time job. After successfully stealing the goblin’s bat from them, Han-gil thought he would be able to live without worrying about money. Hangil, a boy who had only strength, enters another chapter in his life…

Aomine Daiki x Kuroko Tetsuya

A collection of Splatoon comics and fanart.

Young Jump oneshot. The duo Tiger and Barnaby receive their hero suit bangles for the first time.

Stories inspired from the *Heart no Kuni no Alice* otome game.