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12 Zodiac Boys
12星座男子 / 12 Seiza Danshi / Juuni Seiza Danshi, Nigerarenai Hoshimawari., Inescapable Fate., Hoshi ni Negai wo, Kimi ni wa Ai wo, Wishing on the Stars, for Your Love, Hoshi nante Shinjinai!, I Won't Believe the Stars!, Brocon☆Homestay, Brother Complex, Gentei, Restricted, Supporte
CIEL / Takayuki Shidatsu / 紫妲 たかゆき / Ku-Ten / Sidatsu Takayuki
Escape Plan: Entering The Novel Will Be The Death Of Me!
A Novel Way of Escaping Death / Chuan Shu Bi Si Tao Tuo Ji Hua! / Chuān Shū Bì Sǐ Táo Tuō Jì Huà! / Escape Plan: Entering the Novel Will Be the Death of Me! / 穿书必死逃脱计划!
风狸绘漫画 / :나나 / 不可能的世界
1Shounen(B),Comedy,Drama,Harem,Romance,School Life
My Nine Wives Told Me Not To Be Afraid
My Nine wives told me not to be afraid / Shi Niang, Qing Zi Zhong / Nine Female Teachers Told Me Not to Be Scared / Jiǔ Wèi Shī Niáng Jiào Wǒ Bié Sǒng / 九位师娘叫我别怂 / 师娘,请自重
14Manhua,Action,Harem,Martial Arts
Fujiko's Bizarre Worldly Wisdom -Whitesnake's Miscalculation (Fan - Coloured)
Fujiko's Bizarre Worldly Wisdom -Whitesnake's Miscalculation (Fan - Coloured)
Araki Hirohiko
Kantai Collection -KanColle- - Fleet Girls 3 Times as Tall (Doujinshi)
Fleet Girls 3 Times as Tall: Have a Good Rest, Satsuki-chan / Fleet Girls 3 Times as Tall: Maya's Miscalculation in Her Act of Protest / Fleet Girls 3 Times as Tall: Taihou and an Autumn Navy Base Gas Leakage / Zenkou 3-bai Kanmusu / Zenkou 3-bai Kanmusu: Maya no Kougi Shudan Sentaku / Zenkou 3-bai Kanmusu: Otsukaresama Satsuki-chan / Zenkou 3-bai Kanmusu: Taihou to Aki no Gas More Chinjufu / 全高3倍艦娘 / 全高3倍艦娘 おつかれさま皐月ちゃん / 全高3倍艦娘 大鳳と秋のガス漏れ鎮守府 / 全高3倍艦娘 摩耶の抗議手段選択ミス
sys-lila (abzome)
Touhou - The Oni Miko Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (Doujinshi)
Oni Miko Hisouten / 鬼巫女~おにみこひそうてん~ / 鬼巫女緋想天
Miyamoto Ryuuichi, VISIONNERZ (Circle)
Hitomi - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Escaflowne / HITOMI - Escaflowne of the Heavens / HITOMI - The Vision of Escaflowne / HITOMI 天空のエスカフローネ / Messiah Knight - Escaflowne of the Heavens / メサイア・ナイト 天空のエスカフローネ
Kawamori Shoji, Yatate Hajime / Yashiro Yuzuru
Ore ga Doutei wo Sutetara Shinu Ken ni Tsuite
A propos de comment je mourrirais si je perdais ma virginité / About how I die if I lose my virginity / About if I die of discarded virgin / Aku Akan Mati Jika Aku Kehilangan Keperjakaanku / Bakirliğimi kaybedersem / Ego / nasıl öleceğim hakkında / О том, как я умру, если потеряю девственность / Про те, як я помру, якщо втрачу цноту / 俺が童貞を捨てたら死ぬ件について
Morita Mario / Wakabayashi Yuusuke
🇯🇵Ecchi,Comedy,Drama,Psychological,Romance,School Life,Supernatural,Tragedy
Shingeki no Kyojin - Straw Hat Escape Play (Doujinshi)
Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Straw Hat Escape Play / Shingeki no Kyojin dj - Straw Hat Tousou Geki / 進撃の巨人 dj - ストロー・ハット逃走劇
End (Azuma Chiaki)
Rascal Does Not Dream of Logical Witch
青春ブタ野郎はロジカルウィッチの夢を見ない / Seishun Buta Yarou wa Logical Witch no Yume wo Minai
Hajime Kamoshida / 鴨志田 一 / ComicWalker / Tsukako Akina / 秋奈 つかこ
Hitomi- Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Scandal in the Studio
バージンピンク×スキャンダル / Virgin Pink x Scandal / Yonaki Neko, Baka mo Yasumiyasumi Ie, Never Days, Scandal Sonogo
Reijin Uno! / Tsuduru Touya / 塔夜 綴 / 週休五日制 / Shuukyuu Itsuka-sei
Zombies Becoming Normal Would Just Be Scary
Zombie ga Futsū ni Nattara Kowai Natte Iu Dake no Hanashi / ゾンビが普通になったら怖いなっていうだけの話
Kowamote Koukousei to Jimiko-san
コワモテ高校生と地味子さん / Toshiue Jimiko to Kowamote Koukousei, Scary Face High Schooler and Miss Plain Jane
Kurofune pixiv / Yae Kokonoe / 九重 ヤエ / 八重子 わこ / Wako Yaeko / Level.5
Tsunderu Moto-Akuyaku Reijo wa Do-S Ouji-sama kara Nigedashitai
The former villainess noble girl who is trapped wants to escape from the super sadistic prince / The reincarnated villainess noble girl wants to escape from the super sadistic prince / Tsunderu Moto-Akuyaku Reijo wa Do-S Ouji-sama kara Nigedashitai / 詰んでる元悪役令嬢はドS王子様から逃げ出したい
usuikatsura / carmilla
12Rascal Does Not Dream Of Logical Witch
Kamoshida Hajime
Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
Scarlet Empire
皇国の緋色 / Koukoku no Hiiro / The Crimson of the Japanese Empire
GFantasy / Hikaru Tanaka / 田中 ひかる / Hanjirou Tsukioka / 月岡 帆恣郎
Scary Face High Schooler And Miss Plain Jane
コワモテ高校生と地味子さん, Kowamote Kokosei to Jimikosan
Yae Kokonoe
11Shounen(B),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Hitomi: The Vision of Escaflowne
HITOMI 天空のエスカフローネ / HITOMI Tenkuu no Escaflowne, Messiah Knight: The Vision of Escaflowne
Hajime Yatate / 矢立 肇 / Shoji Kawamori / 河森 正治 / Asuka Fantasy DX
The Full-Time Wife Escapist
逃げるは恥だが役に立つ / Nigeru wa Haji daga Yaku ni Tatsu / NigeHaji
Kiss / Tsunami Umino / 海野 つなみ
My Junior's so Tolerant It's Scary.
俺の後輩の懐が深すぎてこわい。 / Ore no Kouhai no Futokoro ga Fukasugite Kowai. / Ore no Senpai no Kaji-ryoku ga Igai to Takai., Saezuru Kuchibashi, Tsuibamu Kokuten, Hatameku Shiroiro, Ii Toshi Shite Itoshii, Kamiyui Chouchou
Qpa / Shougo Ikegami / いけがみ 小5
The Strongest Knightess Cannot Escape An Obsessive Prince!
Saikyou Onna Kishi wa Shuuchakukei Otouto Ouji kara Nigrerarenai! / The Strongest Knightess Cannot Escape an Obsessive Prince! / 最強女騎士は執着系弟王子から逃げられない!
モゲモゲ / Moge Moge Land
The Scarred Princess's Pursuit Of Happiness
Kizuato Ouji Hi wa Shiawase ni Naritai / 傷跡王子妃は幸せになりたい
Etou Mitsuka
Dragon Making Love
Amor con probabilidad de lluvias / Dragon Making Love (Moscareto) / Eunwoo's Designation / Love of Cloud and Rain / Suerte Designada / Unujijeong / ลิขิตรักเทพมังกร / 운우지정 / 云雨之情 / 云雨情 / 雲雨之情
Moscareto Ok Dong / Moscareto / Ok Dong
A Banished Odd-Jobber Starts a New Life
A Banished Odd-Jobber Starts a New Life / Oidasareta Bannou-shoku ni Atarashii Jinsei ga Hajimarimashita / I Started a New Life After Being Kicked Out of the Hero Party / Starting a New Life for the Discarded All-Rounder / 被赶走的万能职开始了新的人生 / 追い出された万能職に新しい人生が始まりました / Oidasareta Bannoushoku ni Atarashii Jinsei ga Hajimarimashita
Daiko Toudou / UZAKI Takamaru
My Unwanted Engagement With The Final Boss Prince
Enzai Akujo wa Last Boss Ouji no Chouai kara Nogaretai / The falsely accused woman wants to escape from the favor of the last boss prince / 冤罪悪女はラスボス王子の寵愛から逃れたい
Hashibe Toworu
Jinrou Game
人狼ゲーム / Werewolf Game
KiSSCA / Giggle Akiguchi / 秋口 ぎぐる / Ryou Kawakami / 川上 亮 / Koudon / 小独活 / 小うどん
11🇯🇵Seinen(M),Mystery,Drama,Horror,Psychological,Death Game
Touhou - Scarlet Devil Eyes (Doujinshi)
Touhou - Scarlet Devil Eyes / Touhou dj - Scarlet Devil Eyes / 紅魔眼
shironegi-ya / miya9
Patra to Tetsujuuji
パトラと鉄十字 / Cleopatra and the Iron Cross, Kleopatra und Eisernes Kreuz
Jouji Manabe / 真鍋 譲治 / KiSSCA
Touhou - Sweet Scarlet (Doujinshi)
(Reitaisai 13) Sweet Scarlet (Touhou Project) / (例大祭13) Sweet Scarlet (東方Project)
clash house (circle) / hirasaka makoto
Touhou - Scarlet Sir Loin (Doujinshi)
(C85) Scarlet Sir Loin (Touhou Project) / (C85) Scarlet Sir Loin (東方Project)
arikan / moon sally (circle)
Touhou - Anniversary (Doujinshi)
(C94) Anniversary (Touhou Project) [English] [DB Scans] / (C94) Anniversary (東方Project) [英訳]
jiba tenko / tenshi syndrome (circle)