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Space Traveller Robo & Usakichi
ロボとうさ吉 / Robo to Usakichi / Robo and Usakichi
Shounen Sirius / Kazue Katou / 加藤 和恵
Shitsuji Kuroboshi wa Kashizukanai
Shitsuji Kuroboshi wa Kashidzukanai / シツジクロボシハカシズカナイ / 執事・黒星は傅かない
oto hisamu
Sword Art Online Alternative: Gun Gale Online
ソードアート・オンライン オルタナティブ ガンゲイル・オンライン / SAO Alternative Gun Gale Online
Keiichi Sigsawa / 時雨沢 恵一 / Kouhaku Kuroboshi / 黒星 紅白 / Takeshi Iizuka / 飯塚 武史
Hoshikuzu to Hatsukoi: Hyakunen-sou Monogatari
星屑と初恋 百年荘恋物語 / Mayonaka Touban, Save the Pleasure For Later., Haru Dorobou, Long Distance
RuTile / Hal Suzukura / 鈴倉 温
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Drama,Slice of Life
Bocchi Hakase to Robot Shoujo no Zetsubouteki Utopia
ぼっち博士とロボット少女の絶望的ユートピア / Lonely Professor and Robot Girl's Despair-Like Utopia
Kanehito Yamada / 山田 鐘人 / Sunday Webry
22🇯🇵Comedy,Slice of Life
Ashita Dorobou
明日泥棒 / Thief of Tomorrow, Tomorrow Stealer, Tomorrow's Thief, Asu Dorobou
Young Jump / Masaya Hokazono / 外薗 昌也 / Court Betten / 別天 荒人 / Betten Kouto / Bettencourt
Touhou - Itte Shimau Kurai ga Ichiban Kimochi Iindesu (Doujinshi)
fuantei (circle) / furari / kome dorobou
Getter Robo G
ゲッターロボG / Gettâ Robo Jî, Getter Robot G
Go Nagai / 永井 豪 / Gou Nagai / Kiyoshi Nagai / 永井 潔 / Ken Ishikawa / 石川 賢
Getter Robo High
ishikawa ken / morihashi bingo / nagai go
Uta no Prince-sama dj - Isshou Kenmei Robot to Obenjou Idol
いっしょうけんめいロボとおべんじょアイドル / Uta no Prince-sama dj - The robot who tries his best and the cumslut
anygm (aniya yuiji)
Senran Kagura: Guren no Uroboros
閃乱カグラ -紅蓮の蛇- / Senran Kagura: Guren no Hebi
Comic REX / Kenichirou Takaki / 高木 謙一郎 / Manabu Aoi / あおい まなぶ
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts
Nishikida Keibu wa Dorobou ga Osuki
錦田警部はどろぼうがお好き / Nishikida & Jack, Santa Claus wa Iru ni wa Iru ga
Gessan / Mayuko Kanba / かんば まゆこ
I the Female Robot
我,女机器人 / Female Robot / I, Female Robot
wang guo qiang / wang le yang / i the female robot 221
Tetsuwan Adam
鉄腕アダム / Astro Adam, Adam the Astroboy
Shounen Jump+ / Ryuukou Azuma / 吾嬬 竜孝
Gisho Getter Robo Darkness
偽書ゲッターロボ ダークネス
Young Animal Arashi / Go Nagai / 永井 豪 / Gou Nagai / Kiyoshi Nagai / 永井 潔 / Hideaki Nishikawa / 西川 秀明
Oneechan Dorobou
お姉ちゃん泥棒 / Onee-chan Dorobou
Sho-Comi / Kyouko Kumagai / くまがい 杏子
Arcana 02: Rebel and Phantom Thief
Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 2 - Zoku ・ Kaitou / Arcana - Rebels and Phantom Thieves / Arcana 2 / Arcana - Zoku ・ Kaitou / Arcana - Rebel and Phantom Thief / Arcana 02 - Rebel and Phantom Thief / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (2) [賊・怪盗] / Candy / "Such a Story" / Flies / Arabiana / The Ancient History of the Three Thieves / The Adventure of Captain Arco Iris / Skyhigh Tension / Mushroom and Kappa: Arcana compilation for thieves on business trips / The Lonely Mountain Robber / Lanekeeper / Moonlight Honey / The Unlucky Pirate / Strobo Rider / Moonlight Dance
arashi shindou / ayumi fujimura / ayun tachibana / guriko magami / haruka mazaki / kazuya minekura / kenta mizuhara / reo kouzuki / shinobu takayama / shouko tsutsumi / yaku haibara / yasuka asada / yun kouga / yuu fujiwara
Dorobou to Hatsukoi
A Thief and First Love / Black Outsider / Burnout / Dorobou no Jakuten / 泥棒と初恋
Naono Bohra
Planet Love
Birthday Songs 4/1 / HAKKA! / HUG! / Itooshi no Giant-sama / Kimagure Robots / Koi suru Wakusei / Koisuru Wakusei / Love Planet / 恋する惑星
Kisaragi Sono
boys love Stories for tears
泣けるBL / Nakeru BL / Umi to Heavy Smoker, Tora to Tou-chan Saigo no Ichinichi, Stroboscope, Erabareru Yoru, Tooi Hi no Atosaki, The Consequences of a Faraway Day, Kimi dake ni Ai wo., Kigengire no Hatsukoi
Narise Konohara / 木原 音瀬 / Hideki Kawai / 河井 英杞 / ラブ / Love / Yuuri Eda / 榎田 尤利 / 榎田 ユウリ / Tomoko Yamashita / ヤマシタ トモコ / noneCo. / ARUKU / Aruku Harubaru / 遙々 アルク / 遥々 アルク / Haruhira Moto / 元 ハルヒラ / Moto Haruko / Moto Haruco / MONGO / Momoka / モモ花 / Nawako Mineshima / 峰島 なわこ / Nozo Itoi / 糸井 のぞ
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Drama,Romance,Slice of Life
Super Robot Retsuden
スーパーロボット列伝 / Dynamic Superobot Wars
Go Nagai / 永井 豪 / Gou Nagai / Kiyoshi Nagai / 永井 潔 / Ken Ishikawa / 石川 賢
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
キノの旅 -the Beautiful World- / Kino's Journey: The Beautiful World
Keiichi Sigsawa / 時雨沢 恵一 / Kouhaku Kuroboshi / 黒星 紅白 / Takeshi Iizuka / 飯塚 武史
There Is a Lie in My Contract Marriage
There Is a Lie in My Contract Marriage / Watashi no Keiyaku Kekkon ni wa Uso ga Aru / わたしの契約結婚にはウソがある
Tanaka Tomo / Saro Moroboshi
Fan Robot Hated by Everyone Brings a Gyaru Back to Life
Fan Robot Hated by Everyone Brings a Gyaru Back to Life / 人々に嫌われる扇風機ロボットがギャルを生き返らせる
YUUKI Koutarou
Itou Junji Kyoufu Manga Collection
伊藤润二恐怖漫画精选 / 伊藤潤二恐怖マンガ / Blood-bubble Bushes / Collection / Flesh Coloured Horror / Frankenstein / Hallucinations / Hanging Balloons / House of the Marionettes / Ito Junji Kyofu Hakubutsukan / Junji Ito Collection / Junji Ito's Museum of Terror / Kao Dorobo / Kao Dorobou / Long Dream / Lovesick Dead / Museum of Terror / Shibito no Kowazurai / Slug Girl / Souichi's Diary of Delights / The Back Alley / The Bully / The Circus is Here / The Face Burglar / The Horror World of Junji / The Junji Ito Horror Comic Collection / The Story of the Mysterious Tunnel / The Town Without Streets / Thing that Drifted Ashore / Town Without Streets
itou junji
Robot x Laserbeam
Shounen Jump / Tadatoshi Fujimaki / 藤巻 忠俊
Koisuru Wakusei
恋する惑星 / Birthday Songs 4/1, Love Planet, Hakka!, Hug!, Kimagure Robots, Aishi no Giant-sama
Margaret / Sono Kisaragi / 如月 園