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The Pizza Delivery Man and And Gold Palace [Official]
피자배달부와 골드팰리스 ; ; The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man
어피 , Upi
1412🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Mature,Adult,Smut,Romance,Slice of Life,Drama
The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate with Darkness
Ononata Manimani
The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate with Darkness
Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru / The Dark Massacre of the Vengeful Hero / The strongest brave who craves for revenge, extinguish with the power of darkness / 復讐を希う最強勇者は、闇の力で殲滅無双する
ononata manimani / sakamoto akira / the hero who seeks revenge shall exterminate with darkness 31
Usotsuki Satsuki wa Shi ga Mieru
ウソツキ皐月は死が視える / Liar Satsuki Can See Death
MangaONE / Ryouko / 了子
Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu!
超人高校生たちは異世界でも余裕で生き抜くようです! / Super Human High Schoolers Are in Another World, But Seem to be Living in Comfort!, High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World!
Riku Misora / 海空 りく / Sakuraneko / さくらねこ
Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru
The Dark Massacre of the Vengeful Hero / The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness / Герой, жаждущий мести, уничтожит врагов Силой Тьмы / 復讐を希う最強勇者は、闇の力で殲滅無双する
Ononata Manimani / Sakamoto Akira
Dungeon Seeker
Seijuurou Mizu / 水 清十朗 / AlphaPolis Web Manga / Sakamoto 666 / サカモト666
How to make an invisible man.
透明人間の作り方 / Toumei Ningen no Tsukurikata / How to Create a Person Who Can't Be Seen, Recipe for Invisibility, The Invisible Man's Creation, Method Ways to Make an Invisible Person
Shounen Champion / Eiji Masuda / 増田 英二
Why Don't You Lift Up That Skirt And Show Me Yours, Sister?
Ane Jo. Skirt Wo Makutte Mata Wo Hiraite Misetekuremasen Ka? / Aneue Sukaato o Makutte Mata o Aite Misete Kuremasen ka / HERMANA MAYOR ¿PODRÍAS SUBIRTE LA FALDA PARA VER TU ENTREPIERNA? / Older sister, could you lift your skirt to see your crotch?
sakuchiru / karine / mai murasaki
Minegishi-san wa Ootsu-kun ni Tabesasetai
Manly Appetites: Minegishi Loves Otsu / Minegishi Loves To See Ootsu Eat / Minegishi-san wa Otsu-kun ni tabe sasetai / Minegishi-san wants Otsu-kun to eat! / Minegishisan ha Otsukun ni Tabesasetai / 峰岸さんは大津くんに食べさせたい
🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Shounen ai,Slice of Life
Seeing Double: Side Story
MI DOBLE ROMANCE / Raon's Man / 罗温的男人 / 高城くんのカレ / 라온의 나날 / 라온의 남자
Lily Zuzu
About a Man Who Can See Feelings and an Unapproachable Woman
Kanjou ga Mieru Otoko to Hitoatari no Kitsui Onna / 感情が見える男と人当たりのキツい女
If the villainess and the villain were to meet and fall in love ~It seems the shunned heroine who formed a contract with an unnamed spirit is fighting with the nobleman yet again~
If the villainess and the villain were to meet and fall in love ~It seems the shunned heroine who formed a contract with an unnamed spirit is fighting with the nobleman yet again~ / 悪役令嬢と悪役令息が、出逢って恋に落ちたなら ~名無しの精霊と契約して追い出された令嬢は、今日も令息と競い合っているようです~ / 悪役令嬢と悪役令息が、出逢って恋に落ちたなら
迂回チル / Sarachi Yomi
Haikyo Shoujo
廃墟少女 / Ruinenmärchen, Ongaku ga Mieru Otoko, The Man Who Could See Music, Tansu Shoujo, Boushi no Ue no Oka, Haikyo Meikyuu Series
Tsukiji Nao / 尚 月地 / ARIA
The Story of a Career Woman Who Goes To a Brothel to Seek Solace
Amanin Shoujo Azuki
甘忍少女あずき / Sweet Ninja Girl Azuki
Mizuo Shinonome / 東雲 水生 / Comic Seed!
🇯🇵Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,Romance,Harem
The Pizza Delivery Man And The Gold Palace
Der Pizzalieferant und der Goldene Palast / El Repartidor de Pizza y Gold Palace / Pizza Delivery Guy and the Golden Palace / Pizza Service au Gold Palace / The Pizza Delivery Guy and the Golden Palace / The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man / พนักงานส่งพิซซ่ากับโกลด์พาเลซ / 披萨小哥与黄金宫 / 披萨小哥与黄金屋 / 披薩外送員與黃金宮 / 피자배달부와 골드팰리스 / 피자배달부와골드팰리스
Yuri Hime Wildrose
百合姫 Wildrose / Yuri Hime Art Collection, Ichiban Suki na Hito, Girls' Union, From Your L-I-P-S, Hao!, Sweet Little Devil, Blue, Girls Study, Yurete Hazunde, Love and SeX, Bounce and Sway, Keep Your Heart Closed, Bitter Seek, Greenhouse Secret, Tojitete ne, Kokoro
Touko Mizuno / 水野 透子 / Gekkyuugi / Tohko Mizuno / Tooko Mizuno / Itsumi Takahashi / 高橋 依摘 / Chi-Ran / CHI-RAN / Kitsune Miyashita / 宮下 キツネ / Hashiba Hayase / 速瀬 羽柴 / Nana Akiyoshi / あきよし 菜魚 / 秋良 七 / Miu Ootsuki / 大槻 ミゥ / Seiro Yuzuha / 柚葉 せいろ / Hajime Mikuni / 三国 ハヂメ / Yamamoto Pierre / ピエール 山本 / Akiko Morishima / 森島 明子 / Uso Kurata / 倉田 嘘 / Maco Hanada / 花田 マコ / Iku Nanzaki / 南崎 いく / Chihiro Harumi / ハルミ チヒロ / Koito Akiyama / 秋山 こいと / Otoha Tokitsukaze / 時津風 おとは / Izumiya Otoha / いづみやおとは / ALKALOID / アルカロイド / Nene Jounouchi / 城之内 寧々 / Linda Gyuunyuu / 牛乳 リンダ / Homura-ya★Pleiades / ほむら屋★プレアデス / Rokuroichi / undefined ロクロイチ / Shuninta Amano / 天野 しゅにんた / Naoko Kodama / コダマ ナオコ / Kuzushiro / undefined くずしろ / Hajime Katsuragi / 葛城 一 / Mitsue Aoki / 青木 光恵 / Moto Momono / 百乃 モト / Nika Saida / 再田 ニカ / Nica Saida / Yayoi Oosawa / 大沢 やよい / Saburouta / サブロウタ / Rou Kawai / 河合 朗 / Kawai Roh / Chisako / ちさこ / Ako Katakura / 片倉 アコ
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Drama,Romance,Shoujo ai
The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man
The World as Seen By The Pizza Delivery Man / Pizza Delivery Guy and the Golden Palace / 피자배달부와 골드팰리스
Upi (어피)
11🇰🇷Webtoon,Yaoi(BL),Romance,Drama,Full Color
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Petit Devil Kouhai no Yume wo Minai
青春ブタ野郎はプチデビル後輩の夢を見ない / That Bastard Pig of Youth Doesn't See the Petit Devil Underclassman's Dream, Rascal Does Not Dream of Little Devil Kohai
Hajime Kamoshida / 鴨志田 一 / Dengeki G's Comic / Tsukumo Asakusa / 浅草 九十九 / 四方塚 ツカサ / Tsukasa Yomotsuka / squareHEAD
This Man: Sono Kao wo Mita Mono ni wa Shi wo
This Man その顔を見た者には死を / This Man: Death to Those Who See That Face
Shounen Magazine / Kouji Megumi / 恵 広史 / Sora Karin / 花林 ソラ
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume o Minai
That Bastard Pig of Youth Doesn't See the Bunny Girl Upperclassman's Dream / 青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない
hajime kamoshida / tsugumi nanamiya
2Seinen(M),Supernatural,Comedy,Romance,School Life,Psychological,Drama,Mystery,Slice of Life
About Him That I Know.
ぼくは知っている。 / Boku wa Shitteiru.
Hanamaru Manga / Josee / ジョゼ
The World of Moral Reversal
Chasteté inversée / Chastity Reverse World / Teisou Gyakuten Sekai / World of Reversed Gender Roles / Мир перевёрнутой морали / 貞操逆転世界 / 贞操逆转世界 / 정조역전세계
Amahara / Mantarou
1🇯🇵Ecchi,Smut,Comedy,School Life,Isekai
Demon Spirit Seed Manual
妖精种植手册 / Yao Jing Zhong Zhi Shou Ce
dazui / demon spirit seed manual 268
See You at the Food Court Tomorrow.
Food Court de, Mata Ashita. / Fūdokōto de, mataashita. / Hasta mañana en la plaza de comidas / Nos vemos mañana en la plaza de comidas / See you tomorrow, at the food court. / Te veo mañana en la plaza de comidas / フードコートで、また明日。 / フードコートで女子高生が喋るだけ
Nariie Shinichirou
🇯🇵Comedy,School Life,Slice of Life
If The Villainess And The Villain Were To Meet And Fall In Love
Akuyaku Reijou to Akuyaku Reisoku ga, Deatte Koi ni Ochitanara / Akuyaku Reijou to Akuyaku Reisoku ga, Deatte Koi ni Ochitanara - Nanashi no Seirei to Keiyaku shite Oidasareta Reijou wa, Kyou mo Reisoku to Kisoiatte Iru you desu / If the Villainess and the Villain Were to Meet and Fall in Love ~It Seems the Shunned Heroine Who Formed a Contract With an Unnamed Spirit Is Fighting With the Nobleman Yet Again~ / 悪役令嬢と悪役令息が、出逢って恋に落ちたなら
Haruna Don / Ukai Chiru
Apocalyptic Survival: I Can See Hidden Clues
Apocalyptic Survival: I Can See Hidden Clues / Moshi Qiusheng: Wo Neng Kan Dao Yincang Tishi / Surviving in the Apocalypse: I Can See Hidden Clues / Mạt Thế Cầu Sinh: Ta Có Thể Nhìn Thấy Ẩn Tàng Hệ Thống / Mạt Thế Cầu Sinh: Tôi Có Thể Nhìn Thấy Gợi Ý Ẩn Dấu / Mòshì Qiúshēng: Wǒ Néng Kàn Dào Yǐncáng Tíshì / Sống Sót Ngày Tận Thế: Tôi Thấy Được Những Gợi Ý Ẩn / 末世求生:我能看到隐藏提示 / 末世求生:我能看到隐藏提示 / 末世求生我能看到隐藏提示
我能打十个 / Fanqie Manhua / Red Cyan Anime
さるまね / Sarumane / Monkey see, Monkey Do
Yoshida Kaoru / 吉田薫
SSSS.GRIDMAN ANTHOLOGY / GRIKKAMAN / Someday I'll See This Dream / Genderswapped Yuta / The End of The World...? / Day of the Festival / Kaiju Girl / Yakisoba Bread / GACHAGACHA
Niina Ryou / Kiryuu Mina / Hasegawa Shigurio / Mikanuji / Saida Nika / Tonmou / Fukushima Masayasu / Osomatsu / Kamiya Zuzu / Wata Ruh / Konoshiro Shinko / Eightman
🇯🇵Genderswap,Action,Comedy,Mecha,Anthology,Slice of Life
Rental Lover
レンタル・ラヴァー / Anniversary, Black Barking Dog, Debut, Hanakura Riots, A Dog's Life, The Café I Wanna Go to See a Sexy Salaryman
Mitori Fujii / 葛井 美鳥
Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl-senpai no Yume wo Minai
青春ブタ野郎はバニーガール先輩の夢を見ない / That Bastard Pig of Youth Doesn't See the Bunny Girl Upperclassman's Dream, Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai
Hajime Kamoshida / 鴨志田 一 / Dengeki G's Comic / Tsugumi Nanamiya / 七宮 つぐ実 / Nanatsu-gumi / ななつ組
The Strongest Brave Who Craves For Revenge, Extinguish With The Power Of Darkness
復讐を希う最強勇者は、闇の力で殲滅無双する / The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness / The Strongest Hero Who Desires Revenge will Dominantly Exterminate with the Power of Darkness / Fukushuu wo Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou suru / The strongest brave who craves revenge, extinguish with the power of darkness / Fukushuu o Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa, Yami no Chikara de Senmetsu Musou Suru / The Dark Massacre of the Vengeful Hero
manimani ononata / akira sakamoto