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The Strongest Female Masters, Who Are Trying to Raise Me Up, Are in Shambles Over Their Training Policy
The Strongest Female Masters, Who Are Trying to Raise Me Up, Are in Shambles Over Their Training Policy / 最強女師匠たちが育成方針を巡って修羅場 / Saikyō Onna Shishō-tachi ga Ikusei Hōshin o Megutte Shuraba / Saikyou Onna Shishоu-tachi ga Ikusei Houshin o Megutte Shuraba
Akagi Hirotaka(赤城大空) / Youichirou Ono(小野洋一郎) / Ryuushi Tajima(タジマ粒子)
It's Fun Having a 300,000 Yen a Month Job Welcoming Home an Onee-san Who Doesn't Find Meaning in a Job That Pays Her 500,000 Yen a Month
I’m Being Paid ¥ 300,000 a Month to Say ‘Okaeri, Kyo MO Ganbatta NE’ to a Hardworking Neighbor Oneesan Who Earns ¥500,000 a Month but Doesn’t Have a Use for the Money, Which Is Really Fun / It's My Work That I Say to Her, "Okaeri" / Tsuki 50 Man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onēsan ni 30 Man de Yatowa Rete `Okaeri. Kyō mo Ganbatta ne’ tte Iu Oshigoto ga Totemo Tanoshī / Tsuki 50-man moratte mo Ikigai no nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii / With a Pay of 300,000 Yen Per Month, I Was Hired to Do the Fun Job of Saying, "Welcome Back," to the Onee-san Next Door Who Has No Use for a Monthly Salary of 500,000 Yen / 月50万もらっても生き甲斐のない隣のお姉さんに30万で雇われて「おかえり」って言うお仕事が楽しい / 每月领着50万月薪也觉得没有意义的邻居OL,用30万雇佣了我让我每天和她说“欢迎回来
Kiwadoi Shouri / Noji Takanichi
229🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Trapped by A Handsome Billionaire
Yi wan zongcai chan shang wo: Tianjia hunyue / Yì wàn zǒngcái chán shàng wǒ: Tiānjià hūnyuē / 亿万总裁缠上我:天价婚约
ningmeng / zi ying dongman / unknown
Imperial Edict
Campaigning Under Imperial Edict / Complying with Imperial Edict / Fengzhi chuzheng / Повинуясь высочайшему указу / 奉旨出征
lu lingjun
1Rather Than Being an Award Winning Actress, It's Better to Study at Qing Hua
Dang Ying Hou Buru Nian Qinghua / 当影后不如念清华
dawn alliance / jun jiu ru
1Hundreds of Option for Becoming A God
Hundreds of Option for Becoming A God / Jutaan Pilihan Untuk Menjadi Dewa / 成神的亿万种选项
Qingshan Yin / Seventeen / Ying Ning
1🇨🇳Webtoon,Reincarnation,Action,Comedy,Martial Arts,Adventure,Harem,Fantasy,Adaptation,Full Color
Resigning as the villainess
악역도 귀찮아서 / Even the Villainess Is Annoying / Even the Villainess Can Be Annoying / I'm Tired of Being a Villain Too / I'm Too Lazy To Be The Villain / Even the Villain Is Annoying / Bahkan penjahatnya menyebalkan
Semi / FBI Warning / SAN (II)
The Strongest Female Masters, Who Are Trying to Raise Me Up, Are in Shambles Over Their Training Policy
Starting With Seven Stunning Senior Sisters
Kaiju Yingyou Qi Wei Juese Shijie / Kāijú Yǒngyǒu Qī Wèi Juésè Shījiě / 开局拥有七位绝色师姐
Walking With Death: Start From Murloc Dungeons
Yu Siwang Tongxing: Cong Yu Ren Dixia Cheng Kaishi / Yǔ Sǐwáng Tóngxíng: Cóng Yú Rén Dìxià Chéng Kāishǐ / Journeying Together With Death: Beginning From Murloc Dungeon City / 与死亡同行:从鱼人地下城开始
番薯 / 银河创想
Dark Hero
Wu An Yingxiong / Wú Àn Yīngxióng / Undarkening Heroes / 无暗英雄
Resurrection of Reiki – Awakening of the God-Slaying Eye
Resurrection of Reiki – Awakening of the God-Slaying Eye / 灵气复苏:开局觉醒弑天神眼
E画社 / 原著
🇨🇳Thriller,Action,Romance,Survival,Martial Arts,Harem,Wuxia,Full Color,Tragedy
She is a terrifying college senpai who specializes in turning those with whom she has had at least a relationship once into sex slaves who can't live without her for the rest of their lives!
She is a terrifying college senpai who specializes in turning those with whom she has had at least a relationship once into sex slaves who can't live without her for the rest of their lives! / 一度でも関係を持った相手を、生涯自分無しではいられない性の虜に堕とす事を得意としている恐ろしい大学の先輩です / Ichido demo kankei wo motta aite wo, shougai jibun nashide hairarenai-sei no toriko ni otosu koto o tokui to shite iru osoroshii daigaku no senpai desu
Horie Ryuu
Totsuki Tooka No Setsuai Fuufu Jijou
Nine Months Carrying Our Love: Our Last Night Together Was Only the Beginning / トツキトオカの切愛夫婦事情~最後の一夜のはずが、愛の証を身ごもりました~
Haduki Ryu
Hayabusa-chan mo Tondemasu
隼ちゃんもとんでます / Hayabusa-chan is Also Flying
Mohiro Kitoh / 鬼頭 莫宏 / Kitou Mohiro / Evening
Anye Fei Ying: Xin Zhi Shang
暗夜绯影·心之殇 / The Evening Red Shadow - Heart's Wound