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Chronicles of Heavenly Demon
Shinma Gyeongcheongi / 신마경천기
il-hwang / gom-guk
402.4K🇰🇷Webtoon,Manhwa,Action,Martial Arts,Reincarnation,Full Color
Childhood Friend of the Zenith
Les amis d'enfance inegalés / The best childhood friend in the world / Друг дитинства найсильнішого воїна / Amigo de la infancia del cenit / أفضل صديق طفولة في العالم / Shadow of the Supreme / Przyjaciel z dzieciństwa najsilniejszego wojownika / 天下一品の幼なじみ / Cheonhajeirin-ui Sokkupchingu / 天下第一人の幼馴染
Dubu / Ubiram / Min Yong Gi
121.9K🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Martial Arts,Adventure,Comedy,Time Travel,Full Color,Harem
The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway
The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway / El anillo roto: Este matrimonio fracasará de todos modos / O Anel Quebrado: Esse casamento Irá Falhar de Qualquer Forma / Pase lo que pase, este matrimonio se ira a pique / This Marriage Is Bound to Fail Anyway / This Marriage Is Bound to Sink Anyway / Зламана обручка: Цей шлюб все одно провалиться / 反正这段婚姻注定失败 / 이 결혼은 어차피 망하게 되어 있다
Kim Chacha / Cheong-Gwa / Chokam
School of the Malice
School of the Malice / Devil Returns to School Days / 악의 등교 / Evil School / School of Evil
Team The Zeke / Sancheon / Siwon
141K🇰🇷Webtoon,Manhwa,Seinen(M),Action,Psychological,Drama,School Life,Full Color,Time Travel,Delinquents,Martial Arts
Becoming the Swordmaster Rank Young Lord of the Sichuan Tang Family
Becoming the Sacheon Dang's Swordsmaster-Rank Young Lord / Becoming the Sacheon Tang's Sword God Level Young Lord / Becoming the Swordmaster of the Sichuan Tang Clan / Becoming the Swordmaster Rank Young Lord of the Sichuan Tang Family / Convirtiéndose en el Joven Señor con rango de Maestro de Espadas de la Familia Tang de Sichuan / Convirtiéndose en el Maestro de Espadas de la Familia Tang / He Became the Head of the Four Heavenly Dang Family / He Became the Swordmaster-Rank Young Lord of the Tang Family of Sacheon / Он стал главой семьи Четырех Небесных Дангов / 四川唐門的劍神少主 / 사천당가의 검신급 소가주가 되었다
Hwagye / PSG / Kim Jong-Seop
171.7KManhwa,Action,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts
Warrior Grandpa And Supreme Granddaughter
Grandfather Warrior and Supreme Granddaughter / Grandpa Samurai and Granddaughter of the Supreme / 할배무사와 지존 손녀
Ilhyang / Shin Ui-Cheol / Kim Myung-Hyun
6423Manhwa,Action,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts
Using My Cooking Skills In A Murim World
A Bowl of Black Bean Noodles Would Be Served by the Son-in-Law of Zhuge Family / A Bowl of Jajangmyeon Will Be Served by Jegalse / A Bowl of Jjajang, the Son-in-Law of Jegalse / A Bowl of Salty, Gnarly Dice / Jegalse Will Bring in a Son-in-Law With a Bowl of Jjajang / Using My Cooking Skills in a Murim World / Миска соленых кубиков по-джегальски / 짜장 한 그릇에 제갈세가 데릴사위
Heo Il / Ereuhut
4Manhwa,Seinen(M),Action,Comedy,Cooking,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts
The Book Eating Magician
McEnroe / Theodore Miller
Warrior Grandpa And Grandmaster Daughter
Warrior Grandpa and Grandmaster daughter / Warrior Grandpa and Grandmaster daughter / 할배무사와 지존 손녀
Ilhyang / Shin Ui Cheol
158Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts,Slice of Life,Tragedy
Book Eater
Book Eater
McEnroe / Theodore Miller
The Legendary Fossil
전설의 화석
Abyu / Cheong Jeong
Why Would A Villainess Have Virtues?
Justice for the Villainess / Justicia para la villana / No Loyalty for a Villainess / Where Is Justice for the Villainess? / Why Would a Villainess Have Virtue? / ¿Dónde Está la Lealtad a la Villana? / Да как у злодейки может быть верность? / นางร้ายที่ไหนจะมีคุณธรรม / 恶女哪来的义气 / 悪女に義理などありません / 惡女에게 義理가 어디 있어 / 악녀에게 의리가 어디 있어
Cheon Ui-Eol / Studio107
The Villainous Princess Won't Tolerate a Bad Ending
The Villainous Princess Won't Tolerate a Bad Ending / Akuyaku Koujo wa Bad End wo Yurusanai / 悪役皇女はバッドエンドを許さない / The Evil Queen Cannot Forgive A Bad Ending
MIXER / Akao Deko / Cheoli 19 / Tsukita Kai
2🇯🇵Webtoon,Romance,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
Becoming the Sacheon Dang's Swordsmaster-Rank Young Lord
Becoming the Sacheon Dang's Swordsmaster-Rank Young Lord / Became a swordsman-level Sogami of the Sacheondang family / 사천당가의 검신급 소가주가 되었다 / He Became the Head of the Four Heavenly Dang Family
Hwagye / PSG / Kim Jong-Seop
3148🇰🇷Webtoon,Historical,Martial Arts,Drama,Full Color
Fanfiction Escape Baekseo
Escape the New Life in Boy Band Baekseo Fanfic / Fanfiction Escape Baekseo / Fanfiction Escape White Paper / Comment échapper à sa fanfiction / Comment échapper à sa fanfiction Escape the New Life in Boy Band Baekseo Fanfic Fanfiction Escape White Paper ファンフィクション脱出白書 逃离同人文白皮书 팬픽 탈출 백서 / ファンフィクション脱出白書 / 팬픽 탈출 백서 / 逃离同人文白皮书
Billy Bus / Mapungak / Jwa Cheong-Ryong
Shoujo(G),Drama,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Mystery,Romance
ニッケルオデオン / Heart Food, Kopi Kopi Luwak, Funny Game, Afterlife Jaunte, The Kaguya Paradigm, Facehugger, High Heels and Sneakers, Vigilante, Animal Magnetism Theory, Warren Wilson Dies Again, Poohta's Forest, Paracelsus' Beloved Desciples
Ikki / Sayman Dowman / 道満 晴明 / G Kun Dow / ジークンドー / Douman Seiman
The Duke Ashleyan's Contractual Marriage
The Duke Ashleyan's Contractual Marriage / 아쉴레앙 공작의 계약 결혼 / Duchess Aishling's Contract Marriage / The Contractual Marriage of the Duke Ashillean / The Conclusion of the Contract of the Duke of Ashileans
Lee syu-en / Eun-o / Dan Cheong / Oh no-ah
6🇰🇷Webtoon,Historical,Romance,Drama,Fantasy,Adaptation,Full Color
Adieu, My Villainess Life
Adieu, My Villainess Life / I Will Leave the Villainess Position / 악녀 역에서 퇴장하겠습니다 / 冷徹夫はこっちからお断りです
Cheon Ching Baem / Story Ark / Kitano Nagi
Cheonnyeon Kumiho
천년 구미호 / Millennium Nine-Tailed Fox, Nine Tails of a Thousand Years, A Thousand Years Ninetails
Naver Webtoon / Giryang / 기량
The Villain Demands I Love Him
A Villain Demands to Be Loved / I'm Being Forced to Love by a Villain / Le vilain demande à être aimé / The Villain Demands I Love Him / เมื่อฉันถูกอันธพาลบังคับให้รับรัก / 悪党から愛を迫られています / 惡棍公爵強求我的愛 / 악당에게 사랑을 강요받고 있습니다
오미자청 / Omijacheong / Zestkyo / Shinmallang
The Duchess's Contract Marriage
Duchess Aishling’s Contract Marriage / Duke Ashillean's Contractual Marriage / The Conclusion of the Contract of the Duke of Ashileans / The Duke of Ashleyan's Contract Marriage / The Duke of Ashleyan's Contractual Marriage / 아쉴레앙 공작의 계약 결혼
Dancheong / Eunoh / Lee Syuaen
How To Train A Good-For-Nothing Rich Boy
How to Train a Good-for-Nothing Rich Boy / Sex Training Diary of the Young Master / Teaching Assistant's Daily Log of a Lout Young Master / 망나니 도련님 조교일지
Cheodol / Ensu
I Will Raise This Boy As Another Man's Child
I Will Raise My Kin as Another Man's Child / 다른 남자 아이로 키우겠어
Team Cheongyeon / Paganjang / Tapaha
Juvenile Prison
소년교도소 / Тюрьма для несовершеннолетних
154Action,Adventure,Drama,Martial Arts,School Life
I Will Rewrite The Dead End Novel
I'm Going to Rewrite the Devastating Novel / 막장 피폐 소설을 고쳐 써보겠습니다
Bang Tong Sik / Choi Lee Seol / Cheondung
Shinsetsu Ookami to Koushinryou: Ookami to Youhishi
Il Lupo e la Pergamena: la Nuova Teoria di Spice & Wolf / Wolf & Parchment: New Theory Spice & Wolf / Волчица и Пергамент / 新説 狼と香辛料 狼と羊皮紙 / 늑대와 양피지
Hasekura Isuna / Ayakura Juu, Hidori
🇯🇵Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Romance,Slice of Life,Supernatural
Hitorijime Theory
ひとり占めセオリー / Theory of Monopoly, Koi Ochi Rule, Rules of Falling in Love, Mitsugetsu Rule, Rules of Engagement, Hokorobu no wa Dare no Tame, Smile for You, Osewa ni Natte Orimasu, Thank You for Taking Care of Me, Regeln der Liebe
Magazine Be x Boy / Ren Kitakami / 北上 れん
Juvenile Prison
소년교도소 / Тюрьма для несовершеннолетних / เยาวชนคนคุก
Cheongmin / Lee Soo Hyun, Cheongmin
1138🇰🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Action,Adventure,Drama,Martial Arts,School Life,Delinquents
The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway (Official)
The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway / El anillo roto: Este matrimonio fracasará de todos modos / O Anel Quebrado: Esse casamento Irá Falhar de Qualquer Forma / Pase lo que pase, este matrimonio se ira a pique / This Marriage Is Bound to Fail Anyway / This Marriage Is Bound to Sink Anyway / Зламана обручка: Цей шлюб все одно провалиться / 反正这段婚姻注定失败 / 이 결혼은 어차피 망하게 되어 있다
Kim Chacha / Chokam / Cheong-Gwa
21🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Josei(W),Adult,Smut,Mature,Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Drama,Historical,Military,Romance,Time Travel,Tragedy,Comedy,Psychological
Surviving As A Genius On Borrowed Time
How a Terminally Ill Genius Survives / Sobreviviendo como un genio con tiempo prestado / Surviving as a Genius on Borrowed Time / 시한부 천재가 살아남는 법
Cheongsiso / Jp / Yoon Seung Gi
48Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Martial Arts
One thousand and one nights
천일야화 / One Thousand and One Nights / 1001 Nights, Cheonil Yahwa, A Night of a Thousand Dreams
Seung-Hee Han / 한 승희 / Jin-Seok Jeon / 전 진석
🇰🇷Drama,Fantasy,Historical,Shounen ai